Should I Buy Oil Now or Wait?

For residents of Northern New Jersey who rely on heating oil to stay warm during the winter, the question of when to buy can be a tricky one. Ideally, you want to purchase heating oil at the lowest possible price. But with oil prices constantly fluctuating, the question becomes – do I buy heating oil now, or wait? Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:


  • Seasonal trends: Heating oil prices tend to be highest in winter months, when demand is at its peak. Conversely, prices are often lower in the spring and summer, which is why now is a great time to top off your heating fuel tank.
  • Current market conditions: Global events and political instability can significantly impact oil prices. Stay informed about current market conditions to get a better sense of whether prices are likely to rise and fall in the near future.
  • Your needs and storage capacity: The size of your heating oil tank, household, and efficiency of your heating-oil powered equipment all affect how often you’ll need to schedule a delivery.


With those factors taken into account, the answer to the above question is: now! When you order heating oil during the spring or summer, not only do you avoid higher fuel prices in the fall, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing you’re ready for the next heating season if cold weather decides to arrive early. You’re also protecting your heating oil tank, as warm weather and empty space in your tank can cause damage.


Cash Oil Co. is here to help you prepare for the next season with prompt, reliable heating oil delivery. Schedule your delivery on our online customer portal, and contact us for any questions.