How to Stay Safe During the Summer Heatwaves


Now that summer is in full effect, it looks like it’s going to be a scorcher! All across the country, records are being broken, and we’re only halfway through July. Extreme heat can pose serious risks and can even be fatal if you aren’t prepared for it. While Cash Oil Co. is an expert at providing reliable heating oil deliveries so you can stay warm and comfortable, we want to remind you of the dangers that extreme heat can carry.


The heat can rise drastically inside your vehicle in a matter of minutes. During extreme heat, the temperature in your car could be deadly!


For an outside temperature of 80 degrees:


After 20 minutes: it can reach 109 degrees inside

After 40 minutes: it can reach 118 degrees inside

After 60 minutes: it can reach 123 degrees inside


It’s extremely important to never leave a child or pet alone in an unattended vehicle in the warm weather, not even with the windows slightly open or even down!


Tips to Avoid Heat Illness:


  • Stay Hydrated: Make sure you are staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It’s also a good idea to avoid sugary drinks.
  • Stay Cool: Air conditioning is key during extreme temperatures. If you’re working outside, it’s important to take frequent breaks in shade or an air-conditioned building.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothes.


During 1999–2009, an average of 658 people died each year from heat in the United States. Heat-related deaths are preventable; learn more information from the CDC about extreme heat.